ServiceNow: Building the Amazon Like Self-Serve Customer Experience

Most people see Amazon as the golden self-serve standard we want for our ServiceNow Portal. We invest in world class technology with the expectation we will be able to wow our employees like Amazon does. Working from anywhere has never been more important, and is driving the need for improving our self-service portals.

However, in practice, we struggle with a steady stream of complaints, employees can’t find what they need, adoption is low, forms are difficult to use and knowledge and catalog items are out of date. Many employees say they’d rather use Google instead of the Service Portal to get what they need.

Basically, we know what we are doing wrong, but we don’t know how to make it right, and leadership is questioning if this digital transformation was a waste of time and effort. It’s time to act, and solve problems. 

What critical success factors are missing in your Self-Service plans? What practices should we adopt to ensure a Self-Service portal that will surprise and delight?

  1. Present Value

    Present value in a way that appeals to the business instead of IT. Consider things like in 5 years 75% of the workforce will be millennials or younger. Consider the global talent pool. Remember that it’s not the capability but the adoption of an enterprise platform that matters. 

  2. Ask the Right Questions

    Ask exploratory questions, and survey the survey. Take a deep dive into sample questions that provide an exploration opportunity. 

  3. Use ServiceNow Benchmark

    Identify those using, and not using, ServiceNow self-help. PLan and 

    conduct interviews. (15 minutes x 20 employees = 5 hours work) Finally, 

    process feedback, and adapt your journey to spend on what employees 


To learn more on how to improve your Service Portal, check out MavenNext’s, Paul Vos, on this two-part webinar series and learn how to create a Self-serve Service Management roadmap that sets you up for growing a successful self-service experience. Click the Videos here: 

Session 1

Session 2


Tokyo Release


ServiceNow answers the digital transformation ROI problem